Anastasia slipped. Everything was slicked with rain, from the slate path to the hair slapping the side of her face. Her fingers looked pale against the gray rock, then pink where she caught hold of it to steady herself. Warm and cold, and the fierceness of it made her imagination run wild. The clouds clung to the edge of the sky, turning the sea all gray and foam. They crashed like laughter against the shore and she thought of her grandfather’s bushy white eyebrows, crinkling over his smiling eyes. The blue gray of a bird shot out of the brush beside her. The quick thrum of wings, the sound of her grandfather’s laugh, the clouds on the horizon… Gray coming alive on the edge of her world. “Let it rain,” she thought.
She rushed home, not wanting to lose it. The door swung wide and she left it open, clutching her palette like the rain would try to take it from her – she had to create this exact color: a mix of the storm and the sea and her grandfather’s eyes. She wanted to remember.
You can find Let It Rain SW9152 at Anastasia’s magical cabin… or by calling me at Buckeye House Painting.
Much love,